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- EMIL JENNINGS: 1927-1928, The Way of All Flesh
- WARNER BAXTER: 1928-1929, In Old Arizona
- GEORGE ARLISS: 1929-1930, Disraeli
- LIONEL BARRYMORE: 1930-1931, A Free Soul
- FREDRIC MARCH: 1931-1932, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, et al.
- WALLACE BERRY: 1931-1932, The Champ
- CHARLES LAUGHTON: 1932-1933, The Private Life of Henry VIII
- CLARK GABLE: 1934, It Happened One Night
- VICTOR MCLAGLEN: 1935, The Informer
- PAUL MUNI: 1936, The Story of Louis Pasteur
- SPENCER TRACY: 1937, Captains Courageous, et al.
- ROBERT DONAT: 1939, Goodbye Mr. Chips
- JAMES STEWART: 1940, The Philadelphia Story
- GARY COOPER: 1952, High Noon, et al.
- JAMES CAGNEY: 1942, Yankee Doodle Dandy
- PAUL LUKAS: 1943, Watch on the Rhine
- BING CROSBY: 1944, Going My Way
- RAY MILLAND: 1945, The Lost Weekend
- RONALD COLEMAN: 1947, A Double Life
- LAWRENCE OLIVIER: 1948, Hamlet
- BRODERICK CRAWFORD: 1949, All the King's Men
- JOSE FERRER: 1950, Cyrano de Bergerac
- HUMPHREY BOGART: 1951, The African Queen
- WILLIAM HOLDEN: 1953, Stalag 17
- MARLON BRANDO: 1954, On the Waterfront, et al.
- ERNEST BORGNINE: 1955, Marty
- YUL BRYNNER: 1956, The King and I
- ALEC GUINESS: 1957, The Bridge on the River Kwai
- DAVID NIVEN: 1958, Separate Tables
- BURT LANCASTER: 1960, Elmer Gantry
- MAXIMILLIAN SCHELL: 1961, Judgment at Nuremberg
- GREGORY PECK: 1962, To Kill a Mockingbird
- SIDNEY POITIER: 1963, Lilies of the Field
- REX HARRISON: 1964, My Fair Lady
- LEE MARVIN: 1965, Cat Ballou
- PAUL SCOFIELD: 1966, A Man for All Seasons
- ROD STEIGER: 1967, In the Heat of the Night
- CLIFF ROBERTSON: 1968, Charly
- JOHN WAYNE: 1969, True Grit
- GEORGE C SCOTT: 1970, Patton
- GENE HACKMAN: 1971, The French Connection
- JACK LEMMON: 1973, Save the Tiger
- ART CARNEY: 1974, Harry and Tonto
- JACK NICHOLSON: 1975, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, et al.
- PETER FINCH: 1976, Network
- RICHARD DREYFUSS: 1977, The Goodbye Girl
- JON VOIGHT: 1978, Coming Home
- DUSTIN HOFFMAN: 1988, Rain Man, et al.
- ROBERT DENIRO: 1980, Raging Bull
- HENRY FONDA: 1981, On Golden Pond
- BEN KINGSLEY: 1982, Gandhi
- ROBERT DUVALL: 1983, Tender Mercies
- F MURRAY ABRAHAM: 1984, Amadeus
- WILLIAM HURT: 1985, Kiss of the Spider Woman
- PAUL NEWMAN: 1986, The Color of Money
- MICHAEL DOUGLAS: 1987, Wall Street
- DANIEL DAY LEWIS: 1989, My Left Foot
- JEREMY IRONS: 1990, Reversal of Fortune
- ANTHONY HOPKINS: 1991, The Silence of the Lambs
- AL PACINO: 1992, Scent of a Woman
- TOM HANKS: 1993, Philadelphia, et al.
- NICOLAS CAGE: 1995, Leaving Las Vegas
- GEOFFREY RUSH: 1996, Shine